You SHOULD be afraid.
This is the memo created by Janet Napalitano's Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If you don't know who Janet Napalitano is, she was the prior governor of Arizona who was very much a LEFT LEFT Wing "Open Boarders" advocate. Have you seen all the news about the violence in Mexico and on the Mexican border? Yeah, swell, just open them borders wide...
Anyway, she got CAUGHT. This is the memo that citizens fought to have released, using the Freedom of Information Act. OF PARTICULAR NOTE: Read the "disclaimer" at the bottom of the second page. This was not supposed to be released to the public -- you were never supposed to know that you may be targeted. People talk about the Bush administration... HOLY CANOLY, this is so far beyond that... well, read on, and remember, PROFILING IS BAD (at least, that's what our leftwing neighbors try to tell us (until they do it themselves -- then it's a matter of national security)).
Think I'm crazy? This is an OFFICIAL government memo distributed to Law Enforcement. Once in the public, Janet Napolitano (known as "J-No" here in AZ) had to go on national television and apologize for implying that our troops, our HEROES, returning from Iraq and Afghanistan could become rightwing radical TERRORISTS. Great. This is what our government thinks about our heroes. Remember, SHE ONLY APOLOGIZED BECAUSE SHE GOT CAUGHT -- the apology doesn't mean that DHS doesn't believe it, it just means they're sorry you found out what they're thinking. Read page 6 carefully: it's clear that if you are a "rightwing extremist" that you are considered a lawbreaker -- even if you've never broken a law (law-abiding citizens a distinguished from rightwing extremists, even if the rightwinger has never broken a law).
So if you are...
o Pro-gun (meaning you support the Second Ammendment to the constitution)
o Pro-life (meaning you exercise your right to choose life)
o Against Large Government/Government Spending/Bailouts/Massive Bonuses etc.
o Against opening up the borders and allowing the flood of illegals
o A returning veteran, a hero
or even if you're just reading this email (what? you didn't hear? yes, the OBAMA administration (reported in the NY Times) has conducted even BROADER wiretaps and surveillance of Americans than Bush ["WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews." to learn more: click here )
Watch out, you could end up on a government watchlist. And they said Bush was bad.
So..... I ask ya........ How do you like your "Change" now? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Change we can believe in??? No. Change we can be afraid of........
This is the memo created by Janet Napalitano's Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If you don't know who Janet Napalitano is, she was the prior governor of Arizona who was very much a LEFT LEFT Wing "Open Boarders" advocate. Have you seen all the news about the violence in Mexico and on the Mexican border? Yeah, swell, just open them borders wide...
Anyway, she got CAUGHT. This is the memo that citizens fought to have released, using the Freedom of Information Act. OF PARTICULAR NOTE: Read the "disclaimer" at the bottom of the second page. This was not supposed to be released to the public -- you were never supposed to know that you may be targeted. People talk about the Bush administration... HOLY CANOLY, this is so far beyond that... well, read on, and remember, PROFILING IS BAD (at least, that's what our leftwing neighbors try to tell us (until they do it themselves -- then it's a matter of national security)).
Think I'm crazy? This is an OFFICIAL government memo distributed to Law Enforcement. Once in the public, Janet Napolitano (known as "J-No" here in AZ) had to go on national television and apologize for implying that our troops, our HEROES, returning from Iraq and Afghanistan could become rightwing radical TERRORISTS. Great. This is what our government thinks about our heroes. Remember, SHE ONLY APOLOGIZED BECAUSE SHE GOT CAUGHT -- the apology doesn't mean that DHS doesn't believe it, it just means they're sorry you found out what they're thinking. Read page 6 carefully: it's clear that if you are a "rightwing extremist" that you are considered a lawbreaker -- even if you've never broken a law (law-abiding citizens a distinguished from rightwing extremists, even if the rightwinger has never broken a law).
So if you are...
o Pro-gun (meaning you support the Second Ammendment to the constitution)
o Pro-life (meaning you exercise your right to choose life)
o Against Large Government/Government Spending/Bailouts/Massive Bonuses etc.
o Against opening up the borders and allowing the flood of illegals
o A returning veteran, a hero
or even if you're just reading this email (what? you didn't hear? yes, the OBAMA administration (reported in the NY Times) has conducted even BROADER wiretaps and surveillance of Americans than Bush ["WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews." to learn more: click here )
Watch out, you could end up on a government watchlist. And they said Bush was bad.
So..... I ask ya........ How do you like your "Change" now? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Change we can believe in??? No. Change we can be afraid of........