Friday, 13 March 2009

New Blood in DC

Listening to the AM dial talk shows and one thing made me connect a few things that I Had not before. It was Dennis Miller stating how we needed new blood in Washington. This is so true, and I was thinking to myself, who? Then it hit me, a few days ago I was listening to the Glenn Beck Show and someone called in stating that she was inspired to run for office due to listening to his show. This is what we need! We need average Americans back in office. When that caller asked for Glenn's advice he said something to the tune of "Don't let them change you, don't be anything other than a soccer mom." So there we have it, the Republican leadership is in shambles, worse than those horrible Teen Dramas. The Democrats have taken on Socialism as their new banner, and few people actually know what a Libertarian is. I know that when I think of running for a political office I would not have the first clue as to how to approach it, but then we ahve those around us that we can ask. Then I think, "I do not have the first clue as to what to do once in office if I ever got there." then I think again, we ahve those around us. Remember, this country was bult by the people for the people, our political leaders are to listen to the people, stick to their gut, and do what is right by the constitution. Too often these days we see the people we elect grow a soft white layer of wool, aver time we cannot tell their policies form the other sheep in washington. Sticking to what is right may not always make you popular, but what is popular is not always right. I am currently looking to see what it is that I can do to take on leadership in my community so that my silent friends, those conservatives whom always turn the other cheek because that is what we are taught, can no longer be silent. I remember reading once that we are not to hide our light under a bushel, but to stand on a hill and let it shine before men that they may see good works. Too many of us who know what is right, who know that what is happening in Washington is not right, have stood back and turned the other cheek. I think turning the cheek is good but when we turn to the point of being trampled on we have turned too much. We are the new blood needed for DC, we the people, so let us be heard, united in voice, take back our country the same way it has beed taken from us.

1 comment:

  1. I've been saying that we need to clean out D.C. for a long time. Some of the babies may get tossed out with the bathwater, but sometimes that needs to happen.

    Sometimes the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.
